Colors, Energy Cultivation and Wavelengths

Colors are specific wavelengths of visible light and have accompanying energy depending on said wavelength.

As your mind attempts to dial-into a specific color, so does your corresponding “healing energy”. A benchmarking is needed as to fully harness the mind’s ability to access specific colors in a repeatable fashion. This is a requirement with high level energy training to dial-in these types of precision attributes, on command and on demand, when needed; as you reach the upper echelons in Chi Energy training. It is these extreme techniques which attracted many of us to this forum will require these never-before-realized nuances of color attributes and the specific roles each color plays.

If you read the article, What Color Goes to What Wavelength, you can readily see and make a correlation to colors, their wavelengths, and each color’s corresponding energy level. Although the mind interprets “white and black” as bland attributes, the science backs the training, demonstrating that the power- the energetic properties of light- is a direct result of the shorter wavelength of colors that approach (and in the case of pitch black) go beyond violet.  It has been found that light can be frozen “Freeze the motion of light” and furthermore, Light can be stopped.  The significance here is not on the technological process that accomplishes the freezing of light, but rather, the fact itself: light can be frozen. This means that the physical temperature, the mental concept of light, as well as any color, is malleable and can be manipulated and controlled via the mind.

At the School of Chi Energy, we teach students how to build up high levels of biophotons in their body’s nerve fiber system. Biophotons, which are naturally projected by the nerve fibers of the body are a form of light with an electromagnetic component to them. At the School, students are taught how to cultivate large amounts of these biophotons in a safe way. Cultivating large amounts of biophotons without changing the characteristics of the biophotons, can electrically overload the body causing unwanted hormonal side effects. Side effects can include: an emotional roller coaster ride, with lows and highs, headaches, nausea, twitching muscles, organ pain and the inability to focus or concentrate; also possible irritability, depression or withdrawal and extreme emotions. In order to safely buildup healing energy to high levels, chi energy students are taught to build this type of energy into a “specialized energy form” with a good feeling and cooling process.

Students avoid using colors, breathing techniques and standing postures that leads to energy overloads. Students do not work with colors because it builds up too much heat inside of the body. Scientifically we have learned that colors, put off heat waves of energy that will heat up the inner body when the mind thinks about colors. In other energy methods people are able to use colors, since they are not cultivating large amounts of biophotons directly affecting the nerve fiber system like we do in our method.

To learn more about color, wavelengths and cultivating energy, please visit: The School of Chi Energy

or to learn more about Chakras, listen to Chakra Truths


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